Monday, September 1, 2014

Birthday cake FAIL

So I , like very good mother had an entire Pinterest board dedicated to Taggarts 6th birthday.... I had a cake picked out to make , decorations to do ... The perfect snacks that went along with the theme ... And then real life happened . The day of the birthday came... All a dollar was out of helium so I could only get the balloons they had already blown up ( not the perfect green ones from Pinterest that I needed to transform into floating minecraft thingys) ... I bought this awesome camo cake mix and figured bright organge frosting would look awesome! I went to my moms and started the baking... The cake turned out better than I thought. My lovely assistant Danielle was there to help and we started the decorating process.... Now she and I have created some pretty amazing cakes and some not so amazing .... Well as we started to color the frosting we could only get it to look like fry sauce and not "Hunting vest orange" so on went the fry sauce/ sherbet colored icing... Well that looked like crap.. I thought maybe we could make the frosting look like camo instead! So on went the dark and light greens and tans... Well that still looked like crap. So then I added sprinkles and other Candy to try and help.... Still crappy...finally we just got desperate and wrapped cheese sticks in tin foil to make cubes and tied red candles together for dinomite ... Made his name out if m&ms and called Taggart over to see it . His words were priceless .... I asked what he thought of his awesome MINECRAFT cake and he said " I don't really see any real characters or anything but I can tell you used your imagination and I love it:)" That was all I needed to hear. As ugly as it was it tasted delicious and even though his birthday was not photographed professionally nor "pintrest worthy " he loved it and that's all that matters ! 
As much as I love that we all want what's best for our kids and want them to have magical days I think we all have to admit that we also want to impress our family and friends and show off our hard work ... Trust me I do it all the time ... But maybe if we all just took the time that we spent planning the perfect party with every little perfect detail and just spent that time creating something they'll actually appreciate like our time and attention we would all be a little less stressed and a little more blessed   :) 
I also got green mustache and fingers from my awesome decorating skills. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this cake and his reaction to it - how sweet was that? So glad you are joining the blogisphere and you have always made me laugh so this is perfect!
