Well I just wanted to say how thankful I am for all the love an support so many of you have expressed through sweet messages these past few days ... Hearing so many encouraging words and just realizing how loved I really am really helped this weekend go by much easier than expected .
I cried my tears , I let myself be sad ,
But most importantly I allowed others to see my pain and was vulnerable which I think is the best way to heal ... Sharing your story is sometimes the best way to heal ... Not to gain sympathy or to be spiteful ... But to connect with others and maybe even help someone else by sharing your heartache and sadness ... 

Owing your story and your feelings is one of the most empowering things one can do ... Obviously I'm still going to have hard days and things aren't magically fixed , but I can say that I feel better and feel like I'm moving forward in so many ways .
I've let go of some of the hurt and jealousy and resentment . I'm focusing on what makes me happy and what I need to feel complete ... I have such a great family and so many amazing and inspiring friends .... I'm blessed and have so much to be happy about .
So once again thank you for all your messages , hugs and prayers ....
I know my Heavenly Father has a plan for me .... And am a stronger better person because of my trials .
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