Sunday, September 17, 2017

We are all broken , that's how the light gets in " - Earnest Hemingway

 Life has thrown quite a few curve balls lately . Things that have had me questioning my faith , my purpose and my past. There were many nights I wished there wouldn't be a morning. Many days I wish would end long before they were supposed to . More tears were shed in the privacy of my own room , then in the presence of my loved ones. So much heartache was hidden from sight , hidden from my family and friends and kept locked up tight in a secret place that I was even afraid to go. For those of you that know my story and my life I'm sure you think I'm talking about my divorce , but thats not the case. My battle with depression started long before that . In fact , I believe my depression was one of the main causes of my divorce .
 I still remember filling out the "depression"  questioner at the doctors office at 15 years old. Its a moment I will never forget . I watched myself check every box. I watched as the doctor added them up and I got a perfect score , not really a test I had hoped to ace, but that was the reality . She looked up at me and my mom with a look of pity in her eyes and I instantly burst into tears. I had no idea why I felt this way , I had everything to be happy about , I was loved , I was taken care of . I had a happy home , friends , hobbies ... I had it all , but sadly my brain saw it differently .
Life obviously wasn't picture perfect . We had my elderly grandparents living with us at the time. My Grandma required a lot of my moms time and attention . I loved having them there and have so much respect for my parents for stepping up and taking that on especially with my dads poor health and 4 busy children to also care for . But I will admit that I was bitter and overwhelmed at times . Our home wasn't like my friends , I was sometimes embarrassed , sometimes wishing it was different. why couldnt we be like everyone else? Looking back now I realize how blessed I was and what an amazing opportunity it was to have them in our home. I was shown what true unconditional love and sacrifice looked like. I was shown the reality of getting older and the I believe it was because of this that I chose to go into the medical field later in life. But in my 15 year old mind... I just couldn't handle it .

Lets rewind a few years...

 I have always been a pleaser... I even won 'biggest brown noser" in 7th grade. I was the girl who stayed in at recess to help my teacher, the annoying kid who walked around with the recess duty .. I didnt like to break the rules , I hated conflict... all I wanted was to be "good" . I wanted to make my parents , grandparents and aunts and uncles  proud. I loved the feeling when I received praise , I loved the attention , I loved feeling proud. I was happy , I was loved and I had no idea what my future would hold , but I was sure that it was going to be magical.
 I was the girl like many that grew up believing I was a real princess . I was magic , animals could talk   I was going to find a prince and a castle and life would be sunshine and rainbows. I was confident and did well in school. I had friends and felt like I was accepted . I feel like my sense of " reality "was as it should be for a child.
 My first taste of the other side of life was when my best friend Kasies brother died. She called me to tell me and I remember saying " your lying" ... she started crying and thats when I felt my stomach drop. It was real , and my little 10 year old mind just couldn't understand it. I felt so GUILTY that I didnt believe her and that I questioned her about it. I was heartbroken and remember vividly crying in my room with my dad and just couldn't get over the fact that I did that. It wasn't so much about the fact that he had passed but more about the way I had made my friend feel. I know that I didnt go to school the next day , and felt "off" for quite a while . When Kasie returned to school we were in the library practicing for a musical performance and I guess she locked her knees and fainted . Everyone gathered around her and I lost it... I thought she died. I was hysterical . She of course woke up and was ok but I will never forget that feeling .  I tell this story because I truly believe that death changes people . Its a turning point in life, and although I didnt know her brother well , it was still my first experience with it and it obviously had an impact on me.
 I talk about it because its an experience that is an example of how I would deal with hard things in life. I obviously felt guilt ,I felt her pain and took it on myself.  I internalized my sadness and I somehow thought I was a bad person for not believing her when she told me that he had died. I know that sounds silly , but I find it interesting that even as I type this , I still feel bad and it hurts my heart that it happened.
 Fast forward a year and my Grandparents leave for a mission. My Aunt that lived with them had a very hard time and had trials in her own life that caused her to experience her own battle with depression . The medications she was put on did not mix well and she was very ill. It was scary ... I learned a lot about my family , our history and it was the first time I saw DEPRESSION or even heard about it . We ended up moving in with her , I started Jr High and like every other teenage girl experienced my first bouts of drama with friends , the need to want to fit in and be liked. The competition , the clicks , all of it. ...for my little brown noser , people pleasing heart , it was a hard few years .
 We ended up moving so that we could then care for my moms parents . It was  hard watching my Grandma slowly decline and she ended up passing 3 years later. That was my second experience with death and another turning point in my life. I honestly remember feeling so much resentment and almost anger. It wasn't fair, I watched my poor mothers heart break , my Grandpas light go out and we were all missing a person that meant the world to us. I think this coupled with the "drama" in my dumb teenage life just pushed me over the edge.
 So this takes us back to the doctors office and the "depression test" . I was suicidal , I felt hopeless and I honestly didnt see the point. The doctor prescribed a medication and that was that.
I didnt do well on the meds unfortunately but was able to see a really great therapist. I can still remember laying on the floor in her office petting her golden retriever . I loved being able to talk to her and feel no judgment . I loved that my thoughts and my feelings didnt affect her and that she was simply there to listen and help me process my emotions. I will forever be grateful for Barbra, she taught me some great coping skills and honestly saved my life .
 I tell that story because again it is an example of how I was always worried about my feelings affecting others , I would rather keep it all inside then hurt someones feelings or create conflict .
So life , as it always does, continued on .... we lost my sweet Grandpa a year later . I was happy that he was where he wanted to be , with my Grandma in heaven.
My dad during all of this had had many health problems and was diagnosed with Lupus. His kidney ended up failing and it was a very scary time. He was so sick. My immature 16 year old self of couse was consumed with my own life an friends etc that I didnt really SEE how scary and how close to death he really was. When it came time for him to get a kidney transplant my Uncle Bill ( his big brother ) was a match and was able to donate his kidney to him, Words cannot describe the gift that Bill gave us. He literally saved my fathers life . He gave us our dad back ...
 During all this craziness , I had decided to switch High Schools, that in itself was hard , I think I hid in the bathroom at lunch the first few days... but I made new friends and refound my love for school . I was thriving in my new environment . I made goals for my future and had a plan. I graduated , went on lots of adventures , and I was happy .
 I like almost every other girl in Utah , felt like I was ready for marriage ... when I met Matt I fell in love with him. We were instant friends and he possessed every quality I was looking for . We were opposite in a lot of ways , but I knew he would be an amazing provider and father . We shared the goal getting married in the temple and he came from a great family . In my 18 year old head , I had made it.
 Our marriage didnt start out great . Past guilt and depression snuck in , the excitement perhaps wore off and I was realizing that I wasn't happy WITH MYSLEF . It was easy to blame Matt , I wanted to leave ... in fact I did. I can only imagine how badly that hurt him. This depressed girl wasn't the one he fell in love with and wanted to marry . I went back to therapy , blamed the breakdown on birth control and we moved on. I enrolled in school and worked ... we stayed busy and continued "living the dream". I honesty feel like I shut down any doubt I had , we put our heads down and moved forward . We had mad a commitment and we were going to make it work . we became parents and our kids became our whole world. The relationship had obviously never been strong , but we worked together well as parents and our love for our boys felt like enough.
 I realize now that I had quit progressing as a person . I was not a priority , my children were . I didnt work on myself , I didnt work on my marriage . I simply was focused on surviving the day . Matt put up with a lot . I stopped caring , gained weight , stopped getting ready . I was in a depressed state and it almost just became normal to me . Things happened , our marriage ended after 8 years an again I found myself in the doctors office getting a perfect score on that damn test.
That first year alone were some of the hardest times of my life . I had never felt so broken . I know that if it weren't for my children I wouldn't have survived it. It was because of them that I got up each day , I went back to work , made so many new friends and slowly started to see me be me again. I was only getting better because I was finally making me a priority again , even if it was forced it was still happening . Dating made me care about my appearance , I had to start analyzing what I wanted in another person , which meant I had to analyze myself . I saw my flaws, I wanted to fix them. Its been over 4 years now and I'm finally feeling like Im making some progress.
 Death has recently felt like a constant thing in my life . Losing my beloved Grandma and Uncle Bill really has shaken me and left me asking WHY .
 But I now see , that without the heartache , we wouldn't know joy and without the cracks the light couldn't get in.
 I have lots of work to do , but I am grateful for the power of hindsight and the way we are able to use our past to change our future. I am excited and re-inspired to do what I love . I hope that by sharing my stories , I can help others . Even if it just makes you feel better about yourself . We all have our trials ... but I have found that laughing is the best medicine and happy girls are the prettiest . You take the good along with the bad and Im lucky to have loved people so much that my heart can break when they're gone . Death changes people , it is obvious in my life , but I know this isn't the end and I will see them again. I challenge you to maybe take a look at your own life and see what your " pivotal" moments were . Challenge yourself to see your patterns and your habits . Progression is the only way to gain happiness ... its only up from here . Thank you for taking the time to read this . More to come .


  1. Whitney...I didn't know a lot of this about you! I'm so inspired by your willingness to open up your heart. I'm a people pleaser too. When I lived in Utah, I felt the need to hide my feelings and pretend everything was fine, kind of like you described, while inside I was in so much pain and felt I had nowhere to go to relieve it. I felt like I was living a lie most of my life because I wasn't "supposed" to feel that way. Everyone else around me was totally happy (not true). When I moved to Pittsburgh, my marriage was falling apart and I was on the brink of a breakdown. I wanted to throw in the towel. In my family, it is very frowned upon to go to a therapist (shameful). I read somewhere that it is therapeutic to write down your life story and then share it with someone. I wrote my story and shed so many tears, almost feeling like I was reliving all of it...the rejection, betrayal, loneliness, etc. Then I posted it on a forum and was scared to death. What would people say? Would they tell me I was lying or minimize my experience? To my surprise, I got validation from other women who had suffered like me, and it was at that point that I could finally give it to the Savior, because for the first time it was acknowledged as the truth! And I could start to grow again! My life is still a daily struggle, but I see a ray of hope. So let me just validate you here and let you know that your pain is real, and you are definitely not alone! I'm a fellow sufferer and tell you there is nothing to be ashamed of. God gave us our weaknesses so we will turn to him. Love you!!!

    1. Oh my goodness Sarah !!!!! I just love you . It truly is so powerful when we share our truth !! I am so proud of you for overcoming so much , I have always seen your strength and am so happy you can now see it as well . Thanks for your words , your friendship and your example . I love you !

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