Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Is today over yet?

So today has just been one of "those days". I was up all night with my oldest who couldn't breathe ....( freaking asthma) Then had to get up and go to work ... Then had to take Taggart to get new glasses ... Yes new glasses... This is the 3rd pair. I swear they need to invent glasses for kids made of rubber but at least he looks cute ...
.. By the end of that appointment and 100$ later I was  struggling to keep my eyes open ... My tank was completely empty both physically and literally my gas tank was 5 miles to empty ... So I go to the gas station and you know what they say "if you take a kid to 7-11 you're going to have to buy him a slurpee" ... Taggart insisted on getting his own and succeeded to drop it on the floor ... I cleaned it up and decided that if I was going to make it one more minute an adult beverage was in order .... No not that kind ... A Big Gulp full of Mountain Dew Solar Plane ....

Trust me the calories were worth it ... So then it was off to wash the car and vacuum it out then off to get the other two boys . We get to my moms and I have to drag them all home ... At this point I'm ready for bed but it's only 6. Nothing planned for dinner so I picked up some orange chicken ( Hunters favorite ) and finally was able to sit down and throw a pity party for myself as I ate enough ham fried rice to feed an army of sumo wrestlers .... Thoughts went through my head like " it's not fair ... I don't have just $100 to spend on glasses ... I'm tired and want to go to bed ... No one loves me but this stupid creepy cat... Cat rhymes with fat which reminds me that I'm unhappy with my weight ( couldn't be the rice and Mountain Dew ) and just the constant yelling of Share! Don't Hit! Say your Sorry! .... Well after dinner was done ( and no it's not cleaned up) I got the kids into jammies and into bed... Ok not exactly but they are in their rooms playing ... And I thought I would take the opportunity to take a bath ... Well that lasted 2 seconds ... 
I can't do anything alone .... And yes I use Suave shampoo and conditioner and yes they only cost $2.88 ...and did you also spy Daisy laying there ... She follows me everywhere too .. So I get out of the tub and get all cozy... But the only thing missing is someone to cuddle with and have a grown up conversation about my day , my frustrations and issues ... Someone I could listen to and make smile ... Someone who likes when I get whiny and likes to play with my hair .... Well that someone isn't here and I don't see anyone that fits that description around ... So I guess I'll just have to invest in one of these...hahaha
So the moral of this story is not to make me look pathetic and ungrateful but to show that at the end if the day we all want the same things... To love and be loved in return ... So hug Your kids , your husband , your boyfriend or girlfriend or even your dog or cat a little tighter tonight. I'm lucky to have 3 little boys that love me and accept me for who I am and even though I am limited they think I can do anything I want and give them anything they need. I have friends and family who love me and make me laugh and how I'm feeling today is just part of life as a mother ..." Remember just because today is a bad day it doesn't mean you have a bad life "
To end on a funny note ... I did realize today that there is not only an Ontario Canada but also an Ontario California ... So don't get confused and start bashing Canadian healthcare when they were talking about Cali instead :) 
Happy Hump Day everyone! ✌️& ❤️


  1. I am going to stalk you blog if that is okay. You are funny, witty, and say it like it is. Thanks for sharing... i loved this post.

  2. I love your blog! Keep it up it can be good therapy and I know many mothers can and will relate.

  3. You are the best! Keep it up sister, you are a superhero and your boys know it!
